collaboration Guidelines

1-Cancellation for the maneuvering track MUST be notified to the driving school NO LATER than 4 business days prior. If you cancel too late or fail to appear, regardless of the reason, if you arrive late to the track or forget your application or lesson plan, a new track must be booked. Price according to the website.. ✓ 2-Cancellation for the theory test MUST be notified to the driving school NO LATER than 7 business days prior. For late cancellations, a new fee of a total of 800 DKK must be paid for a new theory test. ✓ 3-Cancellation for the slippery course MUST be notified to the driving school NO LATER than 7 business days prior. For late cancellations or failure to appear, regardless of the reason, a new slippery course a cost according to the website. ✓ 4-The driving test must be canceled 7 business days prior with the driving instructor ✓5- Cancellation for the first aid course MUST be notified to the driving school NO LATER than 3 business days prior. For late cancellations or failure to appear, regardless of the reason, a fee of 800 DKK must be paid for a new first aid course. ✓ 6- if you are residing abroad, you CANNOT obtain a Danish driver’s license. This also applies if you move ABROAD while obtaining your driver’s license. ✓ If you lose your lesson plan, it must be reconstructed. This costs 500 DKK. ✓ All prices are subject to change Cancellation for the maneuvering track, slippery or first aid course due to illness must be documented with a medical certificate – otherwise, payment must be made again. Cancellations for driving lessons must be notified

Alcohol checks during the Summer

The police have extra focus on alcohol checks during the summer, when there are many parties.

Summer is filled with social events and parties where alcohol is consumed, and blood alcohol levels can be high.

Unfortunately, some still choose to drive. In June, July, and August last year, the police charged 1,405 individuals with drunk driving, and the summer is the peak season for alcohol-related accidents on the roads.

Be careful the day after

Sometimes, the blood alcohol levels can be so high that the day after a festive evening, you may still have too much alcohol in your system to legally drive.

Every 12th driver has, at least once in the past year, driven the day after a night of drinking, even though they were unsure if their blood alcohol level was too high.

It is particularly concerning among drivers aged 18 to 24. One of our surveys shows that nearly one in three of them has done it.

It can go wrong, and you can lose your driver’s license if you drive to the bakery, pick up takeaway, or drive the children to soccer the day after a night of heavy drinking when the blood alcohol level is still too high.

Tips for the day after a night of drinking

Wait until the afternoon before driving after a night of drinking.

Leave the car behind if you’re very tired or have any doubts about driving safely.

Do you know that ?

Can you get fined for not wearing a seatbelt in tourist and long-distance buses?

The answer is yes.

The fine is 1,500 Danish kroner, and if you are over 15 years old, it is you who will receive the fine. But is it allowed to walk around in the bus while it is moving.

Over speed at road construction – Dangerous and costly

So many people are driving too fast at road construction sites. The police have increased traffic speed control on roads.

In recent weeks, road workers have expressed their fears for their lives because many drivers do not show consideration, drive too fast, or are inattentive.

It is dangerous for both those who work on the roads and for the drivers themselves.

At a road construction site, the roadway is often narrower than usual, the course of the road may change, and heavy machinery may be close by. This increases the risk of accidents, especially if one is inattentive or speeding.

Double the Penalty

If you are speeding at a road construction site, the speeding fine is doubled.

If you are driving more than 40% over the speed limit, your driver’s license will be conditionally suspended. This means that you must pass a theory and practical test within six months if you want to keep your driver’s license.

Here’s how to safely pass a road construction site

-Focus on your driving

-Pay attention to changes on the road

-Respect the speed limit

-Keep a safe distance from the vehicle ahead

-Stay in your lane until the merging point

– Be aware of emergency vehicles

Countries allowed to drive with Denmark Driving Licence

Denmark is a member of the European Union (EU), and its driving licenses are recognized in all EU and European Economic Area (EEA) countries. This means that if you hold a valid Danish driving license, you can generally drive in other EU/EEA countries without the need for an additional international driving permit.

Furthermore, Denmark is a signatory to the Geneva and Vienna Conventions on Road Traffic. These international agreements facilitate the recognition of driving licenses across several countries worldwide. While the specific recognition of a Danish driving license may vary by country, many countries outside the EU/EEA also accept Danish driving licenses for a temporary period or as a basis for obtaining a local license without undergoing additional tests.

It’s important to note that driving license reciprocity and recognition can be subject to certain conditions, such as time limitations, residency requirements, and specific regulations of each country. If you plan to drive in a particular country, it is advisable to check with the embassy, consulate, or the relevant transportation authority of that country to confirm the requirements and conditions for using a Danish driving license.

Driving Rules in Denmark

Driving Rules in Denmark

Here are some general driving rules in Denmark. Please note that traffic regulations can change over time, so it’s always a good idea to refer to the latest official sources or consult local authorities for the most up-to-date information.

Driving Side

In Denmark, you drive on the right-hand side of the road.

Speed Limits

The general speed limits in Denmark are as follows:

  • Built-up areas: 50 km/h (31 mph)
  • Outside built-up areas: 80 km/h (50 mph)
  • Open roads: 90 km/h (56 mph)
  • Motorways: 130 km/h (81 mph)

However, there might be specific speed limits indicated by signs, which should always be followed.

Seat Belts

Seat belts are mandatory for the driver and all passengers in the vehicle.

Mobile Phones

It is illegal to use a hand-held mobile phone while driving in Denmark. Hands-free devices are allowed, but it is recommended to avoid any distractions.

Alcohol and Drugs

The legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for drivers in Denmark is 0.5 per mille (0.05%). Driving under the influence of illegal drugs or certain medications is strictly prohibited.


It is mandatory to use dipped headlights at all times, even during daylight, to enhance visibility.


Overtaking is generally done on the left side. Before overtaking, you should check your mirrors, use the indicators, and make sure it is safe to proceed.


Denmark has a significant number of roundabouts. When entering a roundabout, give way to vehicles coming from the left unless otherwise indicated.

Pedestrians and Cyclists

Pedestrians and cyclists have priority at marked crossings, so it is important to be cautious and yield to them when necessary.


Follow parking regulations and signs when parking your vehicle. In certain areas, parking may be limited or subject to a fee.

It’s essential to familiarize yourself with the specific traffic rules and regulations in Denmark before driving, especially if you are visiting the country or planning to stay for an extended period. You can refer to the official website of the Danish Road Safety Agency (Rådet for Sikker Trafik) or consult the latest Danish traffic regulations for detailed and updated information.