Collaboration Guidelines

1-Cancellation for the maneuvering track MUST be notified to the driving school NO LATER than 4 business days prior. If you cancel too late or fail to appear, regardless of the reason, if you arrive late to the track or forget your application or lesson plan, a new track must be booked. Price according to the website.. ✓ 2-Cancellation for the theory test MUST be notified to the driving school NO LATER than 7 business days prior. For late cancellations, a new fee of a total of 1170 DKK must be paid for a new theory test.

The learner driver must arrive well in advance for the theory test. If uncertain about the date, location, or time, you should contact the driving school well in advance. Alternatively, you can log in to køreprø with your Mit.ID to access details about the theory test.In case of failure to attend a scheduled test time, the learner driver is responsible for covering the fee to the state.

✓ 3-Cancellation for the slippery course MUST be notified to the driving school NO LATER than 7 business days prior. For late cancellations or failure to appear, regardless of the reason, a new slippery course a cost according to the website. ✓ 4-The driving test must be canceled 7 business days prior with the driving instructor ✓5- Cancellation for the first aid course MUST be notified to the driving school NO LATER than 3 business days prior. For late cancellations or failure to appear, regardless of the reason, a fee of 800 DKK must be paid for a new first aid course. ✓ 6- if you are residing abroad, you CANNOT obtain a Danish driver’s license. This also applies if you move ABROAD while obtaining your driver’s license. ✓ If you lose your lesson plan, it must be reconstructed. This costs 500 DKK. ✓ All prices are subject to change Cancellation for the maneuvering track, slippery or first aid course due to illness must be documented with a medical certificate – otherwise, payment must be made again. Cancellations for driving lessons must be notified